
Return to wolfenstein walkthrough
Return to wolfenstein walkthrough

We'll show you where to find the Project Whisper file, as well as where to pick up the crowbar needed to pull it from the wall.Ĭhapter 6 - London Nautica - Defeat the Giant Robot This chapter presents your first real break in the action, but can still be tricky if you don't know where to look for the pieces of the puzzle. Take down the Commanders and find the key to get into the Coal Loader Room before freeing Fergus Reid and making your escape.Ĭhapter 5 - A New Home - Find the Project Whisper Folder in Max's Room While the first part of this chapter is all about stealth, we'll also show you where to find the Laser Cutter, and how you can charge it up for use in Eisenwald Prison. Finally, see how we managed to survive Engel's interrogation on the train to Berlin.Ĭhapter 4 - Eisenwald Prison - Free Fergus and Find the Coal Loader Room Key Follow our guide to find out how to defeat them, along with the two giant robots near the end. This chapter features several Commanders, each that can be taken down with stealth if you make all the right moves. We'll show you how to open the main doors, as well as how to take down the drones that attack you as you make your getaway.Ĭhapter 3 - A New World - Survive Engel's Interrogation on the Train to Berlin In a chapter filled with story building cut scenes, rush through the asylum to kill the Commanders and save Anya from being kidnapped by Keller. Read our walkthrough before deciding which of the two you want to spare.Ĭhapter 2 - Asylum - Kill the Commanders and Save Anya from Keller Playing as William "B.J." Blazkowicz, players will be faced to choose between two main characters, Fergus Reid and Probst Wyatt. In what could be the longest prologue we've played in the last few years, Wolfenstein wastes no time in getting you into the action.

return to wolfenstein walkthrough

Since anyone who picks up this game is bound to get stuck at some point, we at Prima Games wanted to put together this free walkthrough, helping you keep the good times rolling as you fight the Nazi regime.Ĭhapter 1 - Deathshead's Compound - Choose Between Fergus and Wyatt

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